Mob Armor Truck - Episode THREE

You’ll see it in the video, but we have a sweet new product you should check out if you’re always on the go – the Mob Armor Dirt Bag. With three sizes, top quality materials, and a floating floor to keep your cleans and dirties separate, this bag is made to travel with you everywhere.

In this New Years episode of our truck series, Ryan and Mike have finally ironed out what’s needed to get all the new engine components in to place and begin to plan out what to do with the passenger cabin. To top it off, the new fiberglass body is on its way to the garage, so we can see what the truck will look like besides its skeleton.

Will the guys be able to get this all done for KOH 2022? That’s to be seen… either way, the project is well underway and the future is looking bright.

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